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Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Creative and Interesting Ideas for Forced Perspective Trick Photography

We all love taking pictures and
sharing it with the world, as
shown by the popularity of
image sharing websites like
Instagram and Facebook. We
just like to have fun, get creative, and snap away. I'm
sure if you look hard enough
you'll find a forced perspective
picture taken by anyone who
have ever held a camera and
seen one on these pictures.

I'm talking about the
"impossible" pictures of people
holding a mini-sized person on
the palm of their hands, or
"giant" tourists seen to be
pushing or hugging the Leaning Tower of Pisa. In the
age of Photoshop these kinds
of photos might not be very
surprising anymore, but the
fact is that it is all done just
with creative framing of the camera and some trial and
error poses. Sooner or later,
you will be tempted to try it,
so here are some great ideas to
get you started.

This is one of the more
common ideas that people will
try, but when you execute it
well, it is still incredibly
satisfying. The idea is to create
a picture where you're holding or picking up a miniature
person with your hand or
fingers. To do this well, you
need maximum distance and
depth of field. You need to get
the camera very close to the person who is holding the
miniature people. Then have
the miniature person to stand
and pose as far away as
possible while still being in
acceptably sharp focus. If one of the person is in very sharp
focus but the other is not then
it ruins the illusion, so get a
good compromise so that they
match in sharpness. Have the
larger person in the foreground hold up their hand
and fingers as if they're picking
up a very small object. For the
mini person, hide a coat
hanger or a stick under their
shirt so that the shirt appears to poke out. Frame your
camera to match the fingers
and the tip of the shirt that is
poking out and you have a
picture of a giant person
picking up a mini person by their shirt!

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