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Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Digital Photography Basics - 10 Ways To Boost Your Digital Images Even If You're A Beginner

Are you starting out in digital
photography? If you are, then
here are a list of pointers
pertaining to digital
photography basics. These
pointers will give your digital images a massive kick start in
terms of quality and it doesn't
matter what camera you have.
You can take good
photographs with any digital
SLR camera.

1. Don't be concerned with the
number of megapixels of your
camera. The number of pixels
determines how big you'll be
able to print your
photographs. Yes it's true that the more pixels you have, the
more refined detail your
images will have but at this
stage you want to start
shooting as many photographs
as you possibly can. You'll learn so much through every

2. Set your camera's ISO speed
to the lowest possible setting.
This will give a smooth
transition to your photographs
and make them less grainy
than at higher ISO settings.

3. When you are shooting
portraits, use large apertures
that are wide open. This means
that the f-number should be as
small as possible. The smaller
the f-number, the larger the aperture. Why is it a good idea
to use large apertures when
photographing human
subjects? Large apertures blur
out the background and bring
the subject into sharp focus bringing the viewer's attention
right where you want it.

4. Pay attention to the
background - try to eliminate
clutter that doesn't need to be
there. In digital photography,
a lot can be done to remove
unwanted clutter using software like Adobe
Photoshop but there is no
harm in doing a little
preparation. Perhaps you'll
want your subject to stand in
front of a bright plain wall, or colourful patterned curtains.
Make your background work
with your subject.

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